Thursday, December 31, 2015

Favorite Fantasy Things of the Year

Yeah, I'm gonna pretend I'm important enough that you guys care about my thoughts. Anyway, 2015 was a really wild ride for me! I started a blog, began trying to join the military, got a boy friend, lost a boyfriend, and even started then burned a project I was working on. Basically I did a ton of growing up, and I'm proud of that...

But anyway, time for this delusion to end, let's go to why you're really here!

So this year had a ton of interesting books, movies, and a hundred and other 'fantasy' related things. And of course since I over indulge in all of this, I decided to post my favorite fantasy books, movies, anime, manga, and games of 2015. Now some of you may be upset by what I post up here, but I'm a broke teenager, I can't read/play/watch everything. So enough with the jabbering, let's start this list!

1. Books: And in the books category we have...The Immortals: Shadow and Star Stone. I reviewed this book already, so you know how much I fangirled over it, but I loved this book to death. The characters were refreshing, the setting was refreshing, even the magic system was refreshing. It was like water, except it had blood and sand in it. Oh, and red head elves. Seriously, Jadeth is adorable.

2. Anime: When it comes to anime, it usually boils down to an urban fantasy, and this entry is definitely that with...Dance With Devils. A series that is set in Japan, but has a ton of western fantasy elements. Mainly dealing in devils and vampires, both seeking a 'forbidden grimoire' and murdering their way through the city to do it. I'll admit that it was a romance/harem type thing, but it was done so well that I had a good time. Plus it had a lovely soundtrack and gorgeous art, so it was like cotton candy for the brain. Yum!

3. Manga: This was a hard one. Not in terms to pick out what was best, but more to decide if I should go by when a series came to America, or when it was serialized in Japan. So in the end I decided to just pick what came out in the US since that's where I live. And the winner just so happens to be...Ancient Magus' Bride! Considering how much I squealed about this series at one point, you really shouldn't be surprised to see this on the list. Chise is an adorable character, the magic system is interesting, the story telling engulfs you, and the art is breath taking. I really suggest this series, even if you aren't into comics.

4. Movies: None. All the movies I saw were spy movies, and then I went broke...So how's the weather?

5. Video Games: Bloodborne. Seriously, you guys knew this would be on here. With all the amazing lore, the messed up story line, and the ambiance of Bloodborne; you knew it was going on my list one way or another. The main merit of this game is to read the lore surrounding it, it's a wonderful tale that really startles you on just how far humans are willing to go to gain knowledge. Plus there's steam punk elements, something that I've been missing from video games, probably the main reason it's even here. In all seriousness it's a great game, and here's a link, that breaks down the lore in a story format for those of you who don't want to play the game.

And those are my favorite fantasy things of 2015. I hope you all enjoyed your last year as much as I did, and I hope you all have an interesting 2016!

I'm gonna go play with some sparklers now...


  1. Replies
    1. You deserve it. Out of all the books published last year, it was the best I read.

  2. Hello, Cheryl linked me your blog post. Jadeth the elf character, is based on me. It made my night to see how much you liked her. Cheryl did a wonderful job caputring my gaming personalisty in her books.

    1. You're welcome. Jadeth is a really likable character, so in turn I guess that makes you a really likable person.
