Saturday, December 12, 2015

Writing a Halfling's Life

A lot of the time in fantasy, you have creatures that aren't full blooded. Sometimes these characters are halflings, no I don't mean the tiny people that take gold rings to volcanoes, I mean people of more than one race. You know what I'm talking about; half-elves, half-dwarves, half-humans, that sort of thing. However I notice that most of the people who write these types of characters usually use the same old format. Two different races get together, one or both parents die, child grows up into an angsty avenger, and the child is also super powerful. Well I may be a full human, but I am the closest real life 'halfling' you can get in this world, aka my parents are white and black. So sit back and relax while I basically tell you in way too many words to quit the angsting.

1.) We Don't Always Angst- I know, it would seem like it since being a halfling means you come from two separate worlds, but it isn't that simple. A lot of the times we try to fit ourselves together as our own person, and even though this is pretty rocky in the childhood days, it eventually evens out into not caring. Speaking of which...

2.) Our Childhoods Weren't Always Terrible- My parents are both still alive and love me and my three siblings. I managed to get both white and black friends, my teachers didn't try to sabotage my education, and my grandparents are civil to me. Hey, I never said everything was perfect. But most times our childhoods are completely normal, so don't make it overly dramatic unless needed.

3)  We Can Find Love- For some reason you all think that a mix race love is super duper complex. As if we pick one race and then we suddenly have to conform, it does't exactly work that way. Love is just as hard for us as it is anyone else. Don't make the love strange and noble, it's just as normal and stupid as someone of one race.

4.) We Don't Always Angst- No seriously, we don't.

And there you go, this should help you write more believable halflings. Now I'm gonna go play Mario 64...

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