Monday, August 22, 2016

The Lone Badass and Why Most People Like Them

This particular archetype has permeated the Fantasy genre for awhile now. They're usually tough guys and gals that could chop your tongue off with a flick of their wrist, and could drink an entire pirate crew under the table. They've got a million lovers to their name, but of course no one can truly claim their heart. They can be found in every fantasy media from around the world. We're utterly obsessed with the these guys and it's pretty easy to understand why.

The Lone badass is usually the epitome of cool. They've got the best weapons, all the skills, and don't take shit from anyone. The mayor says to retreat from the incoming basilisk? Ha, forget that, the Lone Badass is just gonna charge ahead guns blazing! Normally they've got some rugged good looks, or a cold sexiness. And let's not forget those sarcastic quips that can shut up a fire breathing dragon. They're not followers nor are they leaders, they're doers.

Simply put, the Lone Badass is kinda what we wish we could be. While fantasy as a whole can be considered a form of escape, the Lone Badass archetype allows you to be exactly what you wanted, more so than any other archetype in the genre. Unlike the Priestess who has a duty to her church, or the Soldier who has to worry about King and Country, the Lone Badass is free of all that. Most people, regardless of what they may say, wants to be the swashbuckling hero who gets things done. They don't need to rely on the others around them and risk being disappointed or failing, because the Lone Badass has enough skills on their own to keep them afloat. And best of all they are able to form their own paths in life. You know, according to the author's outline, but that goes without saying.

In our world everything is pointed out to us, and we have to do things a certain way. Practically our entire lives are dictated by someone else, and it's a huge risk to just break free of that and do what you want and how you want. By reading about the Lone Badass, we get to see people doing just that. For a Lone Badass the world is their's for the taking, they just have to buckle down and do what needs to be done in order to achieve their goals. Something most people from our world would envy.

...Or it could be the gratuitous amount of sex they have. I dunno.

I'm gonna go make a snack now.

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